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  About the story
Format: DVD      Runtime: 12 min      Released: 2003

In October, 2007, George Otis, Jr., along with son, Brook, and a small team, returned to the Outer Hebrides in Scotland. Their purpose was to meet people who had experienced the extraordinary revivals that occurred there in the 1920s, '30s, '40s, and early '50s.

This simple “retrospective” captures just a few minutes from several hours of conversation that took place during that journey.

Sentinel researchers planned to return to these islands, so rich in spiritual history, to more fully capture the story of revival now emerging among the youth. In the meantime, we hope this “remembrance” of how and why God moved – at this time and into this place – will provide fresh encouragement to all who seek Him today for such an outpouring.

  Watch the trailer